Sunday, July 21, 2013

The K Vitamin

The K Vitamin

The K vitamin is essential for the blood to clot to repair injuries. Whenever a person has a bleeding wound, it is the K vitamin that is present in the blood that stops the bleeding and enables most minor cuts to heal quickly.

There are three different forms of the K vitamin. The first variant of the K vitamin is vitamin K1, also known as phylloquinone. This is the form of the K vitamin that is found in types of plant foods. Vitamin K found in plant foods. The second form of the K vitamin is the vitamin K2, or menaquinone. This type of the K vitamin is formed by friendly bacteria in the intestines. Thirdly, there is vitamin K3 which is also known as menadione and is actually an artificial form of the K vitamin. All three of these types of K vitamin end up in the liver where it is used to create the blood clotting substances.

The best natural sources of the K vitamin are green leafy vegetables, such as spinach. However, because the friendly bacteria in the intestine makes one of the forms of the K vitamin it is extremely rare for a person to have a deficiency of the K vitamin and so K vitamin supplements are not needed by the majority of people.

Apart from the main function of helping blood to clot, the K vitamin, specifically the Vitamin K1, has an important part to play in the bone building process. This K vitamin is required to retain the calcium in the bones and redistribute it to where it is needed.

Although a K vitamin deficiency is relatively rare there are certain groups of people who may suffer from it. Newborn babies may not have enough of the K vitamin as they have insufficient bacteria in their intestines to produce it. The majority of newborn babies in developed countries are therefore given a K vitamin injection to tide them over until the natural process takes over. That is the only time that a K vitamin supplement will be taken by most people throughout their lives. However, an extended course of antibiotics may lead to a K vitamin deficiency due to the fact that the antibiotics kill the intestinal bacteria as well as the ones that they are being taken to cure. Again, a K vitamin supplement may be given if the course of antibiotics has to continue for a long period of time.

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Friday, July 19, 2013

School KiD’s room

School KiD’s room

Once your child starts school, there are required several changes in his room’s layout. Now, a study place is a must, a place where the little scholar can prepare for school, learn and do his homework.

The study place has to be regularly near the window so that his arm will now place a shadow on the books in front of him. Accordingly to this rule, if we are talking about a right-handed child, the light must be on his left, and if talking about a left-handed child, the light must be on his right.
Due to the new born needs of the school-boy, the furniture must include a desk and some small cabinets or a small bookcase.

The study table or desk must have at least 60 X 90 cm and its height and inclination has to be adjustable. There must be some kind of drawers nest to it or in it to deposit books, paper, pens and other school stuff.

For this same purpose, the parents must consider buying a bookcase or a cabinet for books, which fits the room and the height of your child. For a optimal use of space, a desk with a study table and some shelves can be chosen.

Natural lighting has to be supplemented or maintained by a local light. This is why the desk must have on it a lamp with adjustable arm, placed in such a way that it can focalize the light precisely to the point it is needed.
The chair must have an adjustable height, fitting the one of the scholar.

            Recently, the computer became a necessary object in the child’s room, even in the early student’s room. Used either for fun or study, it has to become a familiar instrument for the little one.

An “L” shaped desk allows a good position for the computer, with the monitor on one side in the corner. Be careful because the distance from the monitor and to the eyes of the person using the computer has to be of 50 – 70 cm. To better respect this distance, some desks are equipped with a special space for the monitor, positioned a little higher than the actual desk.

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Getting anxious over Anxiety Depression?

Getting anxious over Anxiety Depression?

A lot of people who are exerting too much of their brain power usually exhaust not only their physical strength when engaging in various multi-tasking activities, they also tend to over extend their brains up to the point when it plainly needs some good old time for relaxation. A lot of busy people who seem to cannot fathom the idea of relaxing and taking time of from work, as well as their worries, tend to actually start having nervous breakdowns, anxiety depression and all sorts of mental illnesses that can cause a person's sanity to go haywire, fortunately, if you're one of those poor unfortunate ones who are unable to distress and is constantly worried and fussing over things, there are actually available cures and various treatments for treating anxiety depression.

Anxiety depression is actually characterized by all sorts of irregularities and erratic behavior from the person who is suffering from it, this is usuallu due to certain stress triggers that may tend to easily cause a person undue jitters and stress. Also, a lot of people who tend to get easily nervous over stressful activities are actually prone to having anxiety depression, its just a matter of being strong-willed when it comes to facing difficult and stress-prone activities. It may be pretty hard to overcome at first, but trying to be calm and cool in times of extreme pressure is what'll actually save your mental health from going totally downward spiral.

When it comes to effectively curing one's self from a mental illness, one must keep in mind that you have to be actually honest with yourself and assess what kind of depression or mental illness you actually have, go to reputable psychiatrist to get yourself diagnosed correctly as well as be able to get the right depression treatment for yourself. Here are the various types of depression:

Manic or Bipolar depression - characterized by sudden and extreme changes in one's mood wherein one minute he or she is in an elevated state of euphoria while the
next minute (day or week) he or she is feeling to be in a personal hell.

Postpartum depression - characterized by a prolonged sadness and a feeling of emptiness by a new mother wherein physical stress during child birth, an uncertain sense of responsibility towards the new born baby can be just some of the possible factors why some new mother go through this.

Dysthimia - characterized by a slight similarity with depression, although this time, it's been proven to be a lot less severe, but of course with any case, should be treated immediately.

Cyclothemia - characterized by a slight similarity with Manic or Bipolar depression wherein the individual suffering from this mental illness may occasionally suffer from severe changes in one's moods.

Seasonal Affective Disorder - characterized by falling in a rut only during specific seasons (i.e. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall) studies however, prove that more people
actually fall in to a rut more during the Winter and Fall seasons and lastly, Mood swings, wherein a person's mood may shift from happy to sad to angry in just a short time. 

But the type of depression that has actually been proven to be quite common among people is anxiety depression, which is actually characterized by the state of being overly anxious about things. Anxiety, a supposedly normal behavior that'll actually help a person adjust more to a certain stressful activity like first date jitters or a grueling exam the following day. Anxiety actually helps you get psyched up towards facing certain "difficult situations"; anxiety therefore is actually a good thing. Anxiety depression however, is simply the opposite, not to be easily dismissed as a "case of the nerves"; Anxiety depression is in actuality an illness that can be caused from the biological makeup of an individual, or in other words, a hereditary illness.

Also, there are actually various types of Anxiety depression, each having its own unique characteristics. Take for example Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD, this kind of Anxiety depression is a lot more complicated than the average Anxiety depression, in spite of possibly being a day-to-day habit for those who suffer this kind of Anxiety depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder actually makes the individual quite more paranoid than usual, anxiety attacks are more frequent, even absurd at times. They can even be anxious even when there's no apparent reason that calls for them to behave in such a way. People suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder actually shows a lot of symptoms, from lack of sleep, to being unable to relax, getting tired easily, cannot concentrate on what they're doing and even suffering from depression.  This kind of Anxiety depression is still curable; just a little work will actually do the trick.

Consult a reputable cognitive behavior therapist who'll help give the individual the therapy that he or she needs to help him or her loosen up, also prescribed medicines are sort of a must to help these individuals battle anxiety attacks, help them calm down and relax.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013



Isn’t it true that you want to impress your clients, win contracts that are great for your company and “breathe” professionalism throughout your whole person? To achieve these objectives it’s not enough to only be as competent and informed as possible , you also have to win your credibility and to impose yourself through a proper wardrobe – which by the way has different rules, depending on the work area.

Working in a corporation
If you are working in a law company, a bank or a consultancy, the best is to pick classic and stiff clothes, two pieces suits with pants or skirts, which would have to come in neutral colors like: black, grey, military green or different shades of brown.

Working in a looser or modern environment
Are you working in publicity, journalism at a newspaper, radio or television? Then you probably want to have an apparition as distinctive as possible, less orotund and to be, at the same time, wearing comfortable clothes. With all these said, it is still important to remember that you have to wear decent clothes, adapted to the requirements of your profession. The so called “casual – elegant” style is the best choice in your case. You can wear here jeans, a blouse or a coat as long as they are a little formal and the colors not too bright.

Working in service industry
If you are working in a hospital, restaurant or beauty salon, your image has to be the image of an adorable person on which you can reply on at all times. The classic deux-pieces are not fit here because you are not after imposing over your interlocutor. However, If you like wearing a suit pick happy pale colors or even red can be worn in this case. Also, you can wear sweaters, shirts and blouses with funny drawings or designs on them.

No matter what your working place is, sometimes you might find yourself holding in your hand an invitation to a rather select and pretentious event, an on that invitation you can read the words : black tie. Don’t know what that means?

Actually it is all about a dressing “code” which in our present day is not as strict and rigorous as in the past centuries. This means less rules but because of this the borders between formal and casual are very subtle and there can appear confusions. Here are the most important three styles included in this code when it comes to party invitations.

            This term says basically that we cannot wear jeans. The formal code applies to events like cocktails or parties, and we will dress accordingly. Black makes an excellent choice when faced with this situation. For men, tie is a must, even if they don’t like wearing it.
Black tie
Any evening dress and assorted purse for women and for men dark suits with ties assorted.

            In this situation, you can wear something less conventional – still you have to be a pleasant and carefully arranged apparition, especially if it is a work party. A suit is ideal both for men and women, regardless of the moment of the day. Jeans are to be worn only if they are simple, without any “fashionable” add-ons. Men can wear the pants from a suit and a colored shirt.

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Monday, July 15, 2013



Woked hard for a year? Now you need a vacation to relief all that stress and to try and come back with memories worth sharing with friends.

Getting your family along, if you have one, implies the fact that you must consult them when decind upon a location. Suprises are always welcomed,but if you have children and you decide to spent your vacation in a city that has nothing fun to offer them, them the surprise turns into a nightmare. Going away from friends, even if for a week, seems to chldeern something that requires an effort, so try and make then want that vacation by offering them exciting new things to do, things thatcand combine education and pleasure.

Once you have chosen your location, keep in mind that the wheather there might be different from the one in your own country. In the mountains it always tends to be a little cold even in the summer and you should bring along clothes that go with that kind of wheather. if, on the contrary you are going to tropical and hot locations, do not forget an umbrella. In these places, although it is summer for almost the entire year, it usually rains a lot and you don’t want a heavy rain to get you sick.

There are wonderful places to visit all around the world. If budget allows it, you can make a trip around the world to visit the seven world’s wonders, it is always worth it. The Pyramids for instance are mysterious buidings, dated since the ancient Egyptians, enclosing a tehnology and architecture that can be hardly matched even today. Go and walk through these world wonders to try and elucidate the mystery, to see for youself the simplicity of the people and the splendor of the country.

Vacation can be spent at home also. We can just relax and catch up on lost sleep if we feel too exhausted to travel. Meeting friends, barbecues, sitting by the pool and playing with children will make us forget the hard year that passed.



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Sunday, July 14, 2013



Far back in the history of mankind, in 1508, Leonardo da Vinci described and drew the sketch to express his idea of a contact lens. But it was in 1827 that Sir John Hershel, an English astronomer astounded the world with his idea of making a mold of a human eye so that a lens could be made to fit perfectly. Sixty years later in 1887. F.A. Muller, a German glassblower used these ideas to create the world’s first known contact lens.

Contact lenses are full contact optical accessories which rest directly on the cornea to facilitate a better and natural vision than contemporary spectacles. Distortion due to side vision and eye-lens distance is nullified in using contact lenses. With spectacles the eye-lens distance makes the size of the objects appear bigger or smaller than actual depending upon whether you are far sighted or near sighted.

Spectacles or eye glasses block the peripheral vision due to the frame. When you look sideways, upwards or downwards, you are looking outside the perimeter of the lens which makes you look at object without the eye glasses resulting in distorted or blurred vision because you are not looking through the optic zone. This is more so because of the smaller frames in vogue today. When you wear contact lenses, irrespective of which way you look, you are always looking through the optic zone resulting in perfect vision. Contact lenses are immune to scratches and easy breakage. They are also immune to fogging and will give clear vision even on a rainy day.

Contact lenses are basically of two kinds; Soft contact lenses and RGP (rigid gas permeable) contact lenses. Both these kinds of contact lenses can be used to correct all kinds of vision i.e. myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia. Soft lenses are easier to wear and more comfortable while using initially, the reason why they are chosen by more than 80% users. RGP lenses are used only when you need to wear them continuously over a long period of time.

Choosing a contact lens depends upon the outcome of your optical examination by your ophthalmologist. It is always wise to inform him that you wish to use contact lenses and not spectacles, so that the ophthalmologist can test your eyes accordingly and make time to fit your contact lenses. This might be against your ophthalmologist’s preferences, as some of them do not recommend contact lenses unless you ask them especially for a set.

Wearing contact lenses is best suited to some people like sports persons, riders, acrobats etc. because they do not interfere in their professional life. Contact lenses can correct all kinds of vision as referred above. If you are in any of the above professions and prefer to wear glasses, you can wear contact lenses on the job and swap them for spectacles in your leisure time activities.

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

top SUCCESS sEcrEts

top SUCCESS sEcrEts
It is a sad aspect of live but not everyone can be successful. In the world we live in there are winners and losers. Most people want to be in the group of winners but unfortunately many remain where they stand. As you well know, being successful means to stand above the others around you or to know more that the one sitting next to you does.
You should understand how to have more success than your colleague and to work for success. Success doesn’t come free or cheap, you have to pay for it. The price is not monetary but it is expressed in manners of time and effort, these being precious details that you can’t receive back once you gave them away. Success is hard. Generally speaking to be successful you have to work hard, be educated and have a little bit of luck. Often you have to try many times until you truly reach success.
Not being successful is simple: you make all the wrong choices, you work without ethics, the lack of responsibility and of education is almost everything. Although it is not obvious the lack of success is also a choice, but a choice that can be gained on the first try.
      Here is some practical advice on how to be successful:
-       Build up a purpose in life, create a plan and go on living by it.
-       Alter your behavior and learn good manners.
-       Always read, always learn and always communicate.
-       Think and act fast when faced with an opportunity. If you see what you really want don’t let any chances pass you by. This one might just be the last you will get.
-       Give up bad habits and keep the good ones: eat well and regularly, get enough sleep, go to a gym or just go jogging.
-       Give up watching so much television, or playing games.
-       Try to work more in the shortest possible period of time.
-       Keep your sense of humor but don’t become rude.
-       Cherish everything you have and get.
-       Find out more, be responsible, learn about control and always stay informed.

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